Société Française d'Exobiologie

Post-doctoral Position in Laboratory Astrophysics/Planetary Sciences

Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble

High-energy ion irradiation of aerosol-like organic compounds in the context of Titan’s atmosphere

The project aims to study experimentally the irradiation of analogs of Titan’s aerosols by oxygen ions. The interaction between high-energy particles (electrons and ions) and organics induce chemical reactions and desorption of surface molecules, which has some impact on the spectral properties of the aerosols and on the chemical composition of both aerosols and gas phase. Experimental simulations will be performed at major national and international facilities (GANIL in Caen and ATOMKI in Hungary). During irradiation, the spectral properties of the samples will be measured by infrared spectroscopy, while the species sputtered into the gas phase will be probed by mass spectrometry. After irradiation, samples will be analyzed at IPAG by isotope ratio mass spectrometry and by very high resolution mass spectrometry. The ultimate goal is to implement quantitative laboratory measurements into a photochemical-microphysical model to enrich our knowledge of Titan’s atmospheric chemistry.

Working Environment

The postdoctoral fellow will be based at IPAG, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, where he/she will work in close collaboration with Véronique Vuitton, CNRS Research Director. She/he will join the ANR TITARAD project team (6 permanent staff, 2 post-docs, 3 PhD students in 5 laboratories in France and the USA). Funding is available for a 24 month fellowship, to carry out experimental activities, and take part in conferences.

Candidate Profile

  • The candidate must hold a PhD in astrophysics / earth sciences / analytical chemistry or a closely related field, with a maximum of 4 years of experience after the PhD.
  • The candidate must possess experimental (vacuum techniques, infrared spectroscopy, mass spectrometry) and data processing skills. The candidate must speak and write English fluently and have good organizational skills.


Applications should include :

  • A CV with a list of publications
  • A cover letter with the contact information of 2 or 3 referees

and be submitted here.

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