Société Française d'Exobiologie

Post-doctoral offer in Structural Biology/Astrobiology (Grenoble)

Post-doc in structural Biology/Astrobiology.

Institut de Biologie Structurale UMR 5075- Grenoble- France

The project: A 18 Months postdoc position is available in the ELMA team at the Institut de Biologie Structurale in Grenoble, France. As part of a project funded by the « origin of Life » program of the University of Grenoble Alpes ( to :

  • Understand the molecular basis of extremophilic adaptation at the proteome scale.
  • Establish a framework for the search for traces of extraterrestrial life, particularly in samples from Martian brines.

The effects of harsh conditions (salts, temperatures, pressure) on purified proteomes from different types of extremophilic organisms will be assessed using nano-DSF, nano-photometry and neutron diffusion assays. Based on these experiments affinity chromatography trapping and MS/MS proteomics analyses combined with structure predictions (Alphafold 2) will allow to identify the most robust and fragile protein populations vis-à-vis different physicochemical stresses.

Your profile: We are looking for a highly motivated, team-oriented individual with a PhD in structural biology/biophysics or protein biochemistry. An additional expertise in proteomic analysis and bioinformatics is desirable. The candidate must be interested in basic research related to environmental adaptation and exobiology.

Work environment : The IBS is a research unit, affiliated to the University Grenoble-Alpes, the CNRS and the CEA. It currently employs 280 people, including many students and post-docs from different countries. It has highperformance and internationally competitive facilities in biophysics and structural biology. The Institute is a founding member of the Partnership for Structural Biology with prestigious pan-European institutes: the European Xray synchrotron source, the European neutron scattering center, the Grenoble station of EMBL, all located nearby and offering a strong international environment. Under the authority of B. Franzetti, the ELMA specializes in study of molecular and cellular adaptations that allow microorganisms to colonize extreme environments (salt lakes, abysses, hydrothermal springs, etc). website:

Related publications:

Carré, L., Gonzalez, D., Girard, E. & Franzetti, B. (2023) Effects of chaotropic salts on global proteome stability in halophilic archaea: Implications for life signatures on Mars. Environmental Microbiology, 25(11),2216–Available from:

Carré, L , Girard, E & Franzetti, B. Experimental study of proteome halophilicity using nanoDSF: a proof of concept. Extremophiles, ⟨10.1007/s00792-021-01250-z⟩

Vauclare, P., Natali, F. Kleman, JP, Zaccai, G & Franzetti, B. Surviving salt fluctuations: stress and recovery in Halobacterium salinarum, an extreme halophilic Archaeon. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10 (1), pp.3298. ⟨10.1038/s41598-020-59681-1⟩

Salary: 2480€

Contact for the questions related to the position:

How to apply: please submit your application directly through the UGA recruitment platform:

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