Société Française d'Exobiologie

Post-doc offer in organic photochemistry (Berlin)

Postdoc Opportunity in Astrophysics, Planetary and Space Sciences

International Postdoctoral Fellowship Einstein Foundation Berlin


We are looking for candidates for an Einstein International Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Einstein Foundation Berlin, within the Experimental Biophysics and Space Sciences group (Elsaesser Lab) at Freie Universität Berlin. The position is subject to funding approval but would run for up to 4 years, with a possible start in the summer of 2020. The researcher’s remuneration will be based on the collective wage agreement adopted by the state of Berlin. Additional funding to cover material resources for the project will be available. The opportunity will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.

The associated project linked to the Einstein Fellowship is supported by the Volkswagen Foundation (Freigeist Program) and encompasses the design and setup of a planetary simulation facility with in-situ spectroscopic and mass-spectrometric analytical capabilities. A major focus will be to study the photochemistry and reaction/degradation kinetics of organic molecules and biomarkers as potential targets for both current and future planetary exploration and life-detection missions. Additionally, the project will support the implementation of experiments (OREOcube/Exocube) on the International Space Station, which will be launched in the 2022-2023 time frame. The project is in collaboration with the Germany Space Agency (DLR), the European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA.

Association with the Einstein Fellowship is a significant early career development opportunity for promising junior researchers. As such, we are looking for an outstanding candidate with a strong background in mass spectrometry, spectroscopy, planetary simulation and experimental space sciences. An in-depth knowledge of physics is advantageous. Additional requirements:

  • Ability, interest and experience to work in an interdisciplinary research field
  • Very good English language skills
  • Strong motivation and the ability to work independently as well as in a team


Candidates for the Einstein International Postdoctoral Fellowship must hold a doctoral degree and must be recruited from outside Germany (researchers must not have resided in Germany for more than 6 months prior to the Fellowship application).

For questions in relation to this opportunity and further information requests, please contact Dr. Andreas Elaesser (

How to apply:
Applications should include a CV, record of academic degrees, a letter of motivation, research interests and two references, and should be sent electronically to Dr. Andreas Elsaesser (



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