Société Française d'Exobiologie

Offre de Post-Doc au Center for Space and Habitability à Bern

Application from a PostDoc for a position within the framework of the Center for Space and Habitability (CSH) at the University of Bern, Switzerland


The candidate should find an interdisciplinary research field within the overall scientific goals of the center and at least two advisors/tutors from different research groups of the University of Bern. The research fields covered by the Center for Space and Habitability are listed here:

Any question should be addressed to Prof. Dr. Kathrin Altwegg (


In the framework of the contract given by the University the „Center for Space Research and Habitability“ (CSH) makes resources available to recruit PostDoc fellows. The goal is to foster interdisciplinary research in the field of „Space research and Habitability”. In particular, the cooperation between different research groups is encouraged in projects that cannot be initiated within the current funding of the groups.

The following conditions apply for the funding of a PostDoc position by the CSH:

  1. The topic of the research has to be within the overall scientific goals of the center.
  2. An interested PostDoc applies after having found an interdisciplinary research field and at least two advisors/tutors from different research groups of the University of Bern.
  3. Infrastructure (offices, computers, lab facilities and equipment) has to be made available by the advisors. This has to be accounted for on the application form. Travel expenses (e.g. conferences) have to be paid by the advisors.
  4. Once an application has been accepted, the applicant has to deliver a short summary of the project for public outreach to be published on the homepage of the center. At the end of the project, the applicant has to submit a short summary of the outcome of the research for the broader public.
  5. Short, periodic reports (at least every six months) by the applicant to the CSH should inform about the progress of the project.
  6. At the end of the project the Postdoc is to report on the project during a seminar.
  7. Publications, which are the result of such an application, have to mention the address of the CSH.

Applications should be prepared using the standard form and be submitted electronically to the secretary of the CSH ( Applications will be accepted until a suitable candidate is found.

The maximum duration for this PostDoc application is two – three years.

The Application form can be downloaded on the CSH website:

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