Société Française d'Exobiologie

Stages et emplois

Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Microbiology and Palaeobiology – 3 years- University of Edinburgh

An exciting three-year postdoctoral position working at the interface of palaeontology and microbiology to answer fundamental questions about the fossil record of microbial life.  Subject: Bacteria have been critical agents in the Earth-life system for billions of years but their fossil record is poorly resolved and understood. To make progress, a newly funded NERC Pushing […]

Post-doctoral Position in Laboratory Astrophysics/Planetary Sciences

Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble High-energy ion irradiation of aerosol-like organic compounds in the context of Titan’s atmosphere The project aims to study experimentally the irradiation of analogs of Titan’s aerosols by oxygen ions. The interaction between high-energy particles (electrons and ions) and organics induce chemical reactions and desorption of surface molecules, which […]